Hall Of Fame

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This page is dedicated to the finest rebels, who brought this army to some of its greatest heights, who fought to protect, and those who gave endless time to make sure this army was at its best. These individuals will be recognized forever.


2016 was the beginning of this army, where the main foundations were laid down by creators. They set up the first Night Rebels website which was called spartanscp.com [By Jack who bought the domain] xat chat, and recruited many soldiers. Throughout this year NR remained as a small army then later to become one of the largest armies ever, but one who could put up a fight. Without the influence of Wozza, and the rest of them creating us, the Night Rebels would not be here.

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Since Wozza created the Night Rebels along others, they have been force to be reckoned with. Wozza was a former leader of the Dark Warriors from 2010-2011. Wozza was asked by Tirodoragon to lead alongside himself, HaroonNiaz, and Red. He was very fixated on the idea of the Dark Warriors troops starting up a rebellion army, his unique approach to leading an army helped Night Rebels reach 2nd place in the CPAC Top Ten. He carried the Night Rebels to great heights and played a key role in the creation of NR, with Wozza the Night Rebels wouldn’t have the history it has today. Wozza will always be remembered as one of the greats.

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HaroonNiaz was a former leader of the Dark Warriors Army. He was the one to believe in the idea of creating the Night Rebels after the DW shutdown he decided to give the DW troops a new home. The first event of NR was led alone by him. In the very first week he led NR to the 2nd place in CPAC alongside his fellow leaders, he also created the most the of NR site and has always been the most active creator of NR. He led NR to great heights and proved that he cared for the troops. He will always be remembered for his hard work and kindness towards troops.

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Tirodoragon was a former leader of the Dark Warriors Army. He is well known for his loyalty. He got almost every former Dark Warrior to join the army so that they didn’t become army-less after DW shut down. He played a big role in the creation of NR. He led NR with HaroonNiaz and Wozza to the 2nd place in CPAC. Under his leadership NR didn’t fall out of the CPAC Top 5. He will always be remembered.

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Kyle103 was a former 2ic of the Dark Warriors Army for 5 years. He was also the loyal legend way back in 2013 for just becoming so loyal. After he found out that NR was reborn, he stick to NR Army for a while now and never gave up. He was so loyal for a long time, and earned his best to become a leader. He is well known as one of the most loyalest leader in Night Rebels history. He also have a huge success in US Divisions. But not only that, – he also helps with NR becoming the 1st place in CPAC along side with other leaders during the UK Divisions. 

★Honorable Mentions★

At NR, we like to honor those who have stuck with us and have made a positive impact on the growth of our army.

  • Red
  • Lenore
  • Misty Past
  • Ataliva
  • Andy
  • Finwobbler
  • Owent99
  • Ben
  • Snow
  • Carlos
  • Jake
  • Kaykay5965
  • Robot
  • Billy
  • Chip
  • Hulk